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Cousins Avenue Upgrades Project

Cousins Avenue Upgrades Project

The City of Courtenay is preparing to upgrade Cousins Avenue, between Willemar Avenue and 20th Street. The project will include road improvements, repaving and replacement of underground services that have reached the end of their life or require upsizing to serve our growing community.

Comox Youth Climate Council Endorsement

Comox Youth Climate Council Endorsement

A huge thanks to the Comox Youth Climate Council for all they do in our community to keep Climate Change a hot topic for politicians in the Comox Valley. Keep up the pressure.

I truly appreciate the endorsement and look forward to continuing the conversation and hard work on this extremely important issue 😎

BC Non-Profit Housing Association Pledge

BC Non-Profit Housing Association Pledge

I’m proud to have signed the BC Non-Profit Housing Association pledge to Make Housing Central. I first ran for Council in 2014 to keep the City from closing Maple Pool Campground and evicting 65 people that would have ended up on the street. I’ve worked tirelessly the past 8 years getting funding for the Comox Valley Coalition to End Homelessness and as Mayor called the Employee Housing Symposium that was hosted at CFB Comox.

Traditional Food Reconciliation Event with the K’ómoks First Nation

Traditional Food Reconciliation Event with the K’ómoks First Nation

Today (October 13) from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, Lush Valley Food Action Society will be co-hosting a Traditional Food Reconciliation Event with the K’ómoks First Nation. In the spirit of reconciliation, this event will include traditional activities such as drumming, storytelling, weaving and a pit cook. Butterfly fish, bannock and other traditional foods will be served. Everyone is welcome.

Carson Grant endorsement

Carson Grant endorsement

Thanks Carson Grant for your endorsement of Mayor Bob Wells Re-election for the City of Courtenay
I truly appreciate you signing my nomination papers to run for re-election and inspired by your efforts to make our community the best it can be. 😎