City of Courtenay’s annual report is now available for review

The draft 2023 Annual Report highlights progress during the year on council’s 2023 – 2026 strategic priorities, as well as the audited financial statements.

Bob Wells

Mayor, City of Courtenay

It can be found at at

Paper copies also are available at City Hall.

Highlights from 2023 included:
• Construction on the Dingwall Steps project and trail connection improvements
• Parks and Recreation Master Plan implementation strategy
• Launch of City Organics Program and greater than expected waste diversion
• Progress on a Strategic Cultural Plan
• Updated graphic standards and a new communication strategy for the city

The 2023 – 2026 Strategic Priorities included streets and transportation, buildings and landscape, affordable housing, natural environment, parks and recreation, municipal infrastructure, social infrastructure, arts, culture and heritage, food systems, local economy, good governance, public safety, organizational well-being and sustainability and financial sustainability.

The Province of BC’s Community Charter requires that all municipalities prepare an annual report before June 30 each year.

The report will be considered at the June 26 council meeting at 4 p.m. in the CVRD Civic Room, 770 Harmston Ave., Courtenay. To provide feedback please email or mail City of Courtenay Corporate Services, 830 Cliffe Ave., Courtenay, BC, V9N 2J7 by Thursday, June 20, at 9 a.m.