This update covers highlights from the November 21, 2022, Council meeting. If there’s something from the meeting that you’d like more detail on, the full agendas, video and minutes (when available) of each meeting are posted on our Council Meetings page.

The council respectfully acknowledged that the lands on which this meeting was conducted are the Unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation.
Call to Order and Announcements
- November is Adoption Awareness Month. Adoptive families in British Columbia provide children with love and support as permanent members of their family and offer children stability and a foundation to build the lives they dream of, while staying connected to their community and culture.
- Mayor Wells acknowledged Steve Scott for his participation in the 2022 Tour de Rock. Scott is a member of the Courtenay Volunteer Fire Department and is also a City of Courtenay employee. The Tour de Rock is a two-week, 1,200-kilometre bike ride comprised of first responders and community riders raising money for children and families affected by pediatric cancer. The annual trek down Vancouver Island is in its 25th year. Scott raised around $23,000 for this event!
- RCMP Quarterly Statistics
Inspector Kurvers and Staff Sergeant Beauregard presented the Comox Valley RCMP second-quarter statistics (July 1 to September 30, 2022) for Courtenay, with information on calls for service, traffic, break and enter, theft from vehicles, drug trafficking, violence in relationship, and sexual assault.
- Arden Green Team – Infrastructure Improvement Requests
Michelle Honeysett and Jessie Sheridan Busch, teachers and facilitators of Arden Green Team, gave a presentation to Council outlining statistics and information on traffic safety, including requests for the City of Courtenay such as traffic calming measures, speed limits, school zone improvements, and signage. - Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Area – DCBIA Bylaw
Tracey Clarke, DCBIA executive director, and Sydney Rankmore, Urban Systems, presented their process for review of DCBIA Bylaw 2264 including current service offerings, operating budget and financials, and DCBIA boundaries.
Staff Reports
- Comox Valley Substance Use Strategy – CV Community Health Network
Betty Tait, Sharon Karsten, Barb Whyte, Cari Hackett and other members of the CV Community Health Network presented Council with the Comox Valley Substance Use Strategy Phase 2 Update, and requested continued partnership, financial and in-kind support, as well as continued participation by a Council representative. - Situation Tables and Request for Letter of Support
Situation Tables are weekly or bi-weekly meetings between front-line workers from various sectors and agencies, to share limited information on clients facing elevated levels of risk, and coordinate immediate interventions.Council approved providing a letter of support to the John Howard Society of North Island in applying to the province as the lead organization in the formation and coordination of a situation table in the Comox Valley.
- Council Procedure Bylaw – Proposed Amendments
Council directed staff to bring forward a bylaw amending Council Procedure Bylaw No.2730, including hybrid (in-person and electronic) participation as the standard meeting type, authorizations for rescheduling meeting days, times, or locations, gender-neutral bylaw wording, several procedural updates, ineligible delegation requests, and changing the default adjournment from midnight to 9 p.m. Read the staff report: Council Procedure Bylaw – Proposed Amendments - Development Permit with Variance No. 2202 – 320 – 1st Street
Council approved a Development Permit with Variance for 320 1st Street reducing the side yard setback to accommodate a new two-storey residential dwelling with a suite.
Internal Reports
- Management Reports
Council received management reports tracking progress on various projects planned or underway from Corporate Services, the Courtenay Fire Department, and Public Works Services.
- Heritage Advisory Commission
Council received Heritage Advisory meeting minutes from September 2022 and an update on the Courtenay Historic City Hall Clock project. The refurbished heritage clock was previously mounted on the old City Hall building destroyed by fire in 1995. The clock, in safe storage for many years, has since been restored and is ready for installation at City Hall. Council approved $14,826 from gaming funds for the installation, which is expected to be completed during Heritage Week in February 2023.
Staff Reports
- 2023 Council Calendar
Council approved the 2023 Council Meeting Calendar. In 2023, Council meetings will be on Wednesdays (instead of Mondays) at 4 p.m. in the Civic Room at the Comox Valley Regional District administration building located at 770 Harmston Avenue in Courtenay.
External Reports
- Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC)
Council received correspondence from the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) regarding the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Convention “Call for Resolution” and “Call for Nominations for Executive”. The deadline is February 9, 2023.
Council Reports
- Council member outlined their participation in various meetings and events.
Council Resolutions
- Rise and Report – Council Appointments
Council made several City of Courtenay appointments for a one-year term starting November 8, 2022 or until amended by Council. Alternates for some appointments will be decided at a later date. View the list of Council appointments.
Notices of Motion
- Councillor Jolicoeur put forward three notices of motion on overdose prevention, the Comox Valley Substance Use Strategy and the Morrison Creek Headwaters Campaign. These motions will be brought forward at a future meeting.
For First and Second Readings
- Council gave first and second reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3072 (1540 Willemar Avenue) to facilitate a subdivision of the property to allow an existing home and the addition of three new compact rear lots.