As the costs of construction, water, sewer, roads, solid waste and other areas we are responsible for increase at an unsustainable rate, I’m proud of council for creating our new Finance Committee to dig in and look for new revenue streams and look at what we are already paying for to ensure we are providing the level of service our community expects and is willing to pay. Congratulations to Doug Hillian for being elected Chair of this Select Committee.

Alternative Funding Sources and Level of Service and Policy Options
Courtenay’s Finance Select Committee “Alternative Funding Sources and Level of Service and Policy Options”; was adopted by Council resolution April 15, 2019. Learn more: April 15, 2019 Regular Council Meeting
Courtenay City Council formed a Council Select Committee on Alternative Funding Sources and Level of Service and Policy Options (Finance Select Committee) and adopted a Terms of Reference (TOR) in June 2019.
The committee was established to examine, inquire and identify:
- Alternative Asset Management funding sources to minimize the impact of assuming new long-term capital debt;
- Level of Service options that align with taxpayers’ willingness to pay.
The committee will submit its findings and recommendations in a written report to Council in January 2020.
The Community Charter section 142 stipulates that a council may “establish and appoint a select committee to consider or inquire into any matter and to report its findings and opinion to the council”. The Finance Select committee will function in accordance with Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2730 [PDF – 91 KB] and will be in service for the period of October 25 – November 29, 2019.
Meetings are held at 10:00 am in the City Hall Council Chambers unless otherwise noted.
Council Finance Select Committee on Alternative Funding Sources and Level of Service and Policy Options are considered “Draft” until formally adopted by the Committee.
Appear as a Delegation
Any member of the public may appear as a delegation at the Finance Select Committee meeting, providing arrangements are made in advance.
Requests to appear as a delegation must be received in writing at least four working days prior to the day of the meeting, including the name and address of the spokesperson, and the specific written details of each delegation.
Petitions must be original copies, and include the printed name and address of each petitioner. The petition must deal with matters that fall under Council’s jurisdiction.
Any materials to be presented regarding the delegation must be received by the Corporate Officer or Deputy Corporate Officer at least four working days prior to the day of the meeting.